Monday, November 24, 2014

Education In The U.S

         A strong school system is a top priority in the U.S. However, school isn't always cheap, especially not college. We need to have colleges in the U.S that are more affordable to middle class families. Tuition and fees have skyrocketed over the past decade. A lot of U.S citizens do not get the opportunity to go to college due to the expenses of an education. On top of tuition, most students have to worry about textbooks, living expenses, transportation, and end up having to work while also attending school, or even worse, taking out giant student loans with high interests rates.
        Even though there are still some opportunities to receive financial aid and/or scholarships, many students don't know about them or believe they are too complicated to acquire. Universities and other colleges make it very difficult to receive any type of financial aid, due to the fact that so many students need it nowadays. This becomes a problem because even though taking out a student loan is a rather easy process, many students won't because they are worried of becoming in debt. Even those that end up graduating with a degree and jump into a well paying career are victim to the high interest rates on student loans and the debt that it causes. Debt is merely irrevocable. Many prospective students think about finances, and are discouraged and won't even apply because it seems impossible to do without getting deeper into debt.
          The problem that will eventually arise from this is that our culture will slowly start to get less educated because individuals don't want to burden themselves with debt from student loans. Paying out of pocket for college is out of the question. Most students out of high school have either never had a job or are working minimum wage as a part timer, which just won't cut it. The lucky ones who have parents in stable jobs and are done with THEIR student loan debt, may get the opportunity to go to school through them, but those numbers are low. We need to do something about the high tuition fees that have spiked up and figure out a way to get more individuals to go to college so that they can go on to get stable careers and become a working individual who has benefited from the system and is now giving back through their career.


Friday, November 14, 2014

Commentary on Carrie Henry's Enough is Enough

On October 31st, 2014 Carrie Henry commented on the United States Border, Enough is Enough, and how she thinks that illegal immigrants in the US has become somewhat of a problem.

I agree one hundred percent that the United States' Government and armed forces need to take more steps in protecting the border and enforcing it as well as the consequences for being here illegally.

I do not think it is insensitive at all to say that those who come here should not be allowed to stay regardless of whether or not they are kids, (because a lot of parents in Mexico allow their kids to cross the border in order to better their life). I do understand that there are reasons why Mexicans cross illegally to get away from the terrible circumstances that are there in their country, but that does not make it fair for them to bring their problems here. We do not need any more drug problems or poverty stricken citizens here in the United States. That being said, we don't need ANY more people here in the country. Overpopulation already is a problem.

Another thing that bothers me about illegal immigrants is that we are so worried about the national debt but don't stop to think about what all of the illegal immigrants do to that. It is not fair that US taxpayers have to pay for extra people that do not belong here. Don't mean to sound harsh when saying this, but I do believe that most immigrants that come here don't come here and get ahead and do anything for the country. Most of them to be honest just come to ride off the governments money (Medicaid, Unemployment, Food Stamps). It just isn't right.

I think that enforcing our borders and bringing more troops there to protect it would be very beneficial. I also believe that we need to enforce consequences when catching immigrants here illegally. As for the "pathway to citizenship", I think that this is absolutely absurd. We can't reward people and give them the right to live here, when they broke the law.