Friday, October 17, 2014

Is Obama Not Doing Enough About Ebola?

In the article "Amid Assurances on Ebola, Obama Is Said to Seethe" on the New York Times people are still aggravated with the government on the way they are handling the Ebola crises. It really is a shame that President Obama now has to deal with Ebola while having to deal with so many issues with ISIS. I believe that President Obama is doing everything he can for our nation. This article is directed towards the people of the United States who are "tweeting" or over dramatizing the concerns with Ebola. Just because there has been four people with Ebola in the U.S doesn't mean the whole United States is going to be infected. Ebola is not easily contracted and I don't believe the people of the U.S should be as concerned as they are. Instead of "tweeting" about how tragic it is go out and do something about it. "For two turbulent weeks, White House officials have sought to balance those imperatives: insisting the dangers to the American public were being overstated in the news media, while also moving quickly to increase the president’s demonstration of action." I completely agree with this statement, it is a concern that Ebola has been detected in the United States but the way the media is going about it is a little too far fetched if you ask me. President Obama has tried to calm the public down about the situation we are in but they simply wont listen. Ron Klain has been elected to coordinate the governments efforts on Ebola, which I believe was a great idea to take some of the pressure off of President Obama. “Part of the challenge is to be assertive, to be in command, and yet not feed a kind of panic that could easily evolve here,” I do not agree with this statement however. President Obama is doing everything he can, what more is there that he can do to stop or make sure the Ebola does not spread to more people in the U.S? The Ebola "outbreak" is not nearly as bad as it is in West Africa and I hope that it never becomes that bad.

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