Thursday, October 30, 2014

Why Gay Marriage is Unconstitutional

To the contrary of what most students in my generation believe, I'm a strong believer that gay marriage is unconstitutional, and should not be legalized. We seem to be drifting further and further from the constitution as time goes by. Now just to be clear, I'm by no means a "homo-phobe". I'm very much accustomed to the way that things are currently, (especially in Austin, Texas believe me). I do not hate any one because of their sexual preferences, nor do I judge them. That being said, one of the biggest reasons I feel the way I do is because of religion.

It is my belief that our Country and our Constitution was founded on a strong, Christian foundation. When the Constitution was written, the founders were mostly all Christians, and believed the Country should be the same. Although we are a "free" country, and allow a country for other religions, cultures, and ideas to roam freely, our foundation should always remain Christian and follow the Constitution.

In the Christian religion, marriage is between a man and a woman, just as Adam and Eve. In the bible, the act of being gay or sleeping with someone of the same sex is considered a sin. I know there are a lot of points to be made here, about how lying, cheating, and etc are also considered sins in the bible, but the point I'm trying to make here is that sin should not ever be legal. This only encourages it and makes sin look okay in the eyes of so many that already believe that religion and doing good isn't very important anymore.

Even if you were to take out the fact of religion, many of the founders also had a strong belief in the importance of family. It bears repeating, a working family should be between a father and mother, not two fathers or two mothers.


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  3. Sorry for the multiple comment errors. I was trying to figure out how to do this. But regarding to your blog article, it's a very interesting article that I've read about been told about especially since I'm pretty close to someone that does like the same sex gender.
